Monday, October 7, 2019

How to Improve the Customer Service at Starbucks Research Proposal

How to Improve the Customer Service at Starbucks - Research Proposal Example The author of this essay assumes that the Starbucks coffee company grew from a small, regional business into the undisputed leader in the coffee industry by purchasing the best quality of coffee with facilitating an unmatched store experience. The coffee buyers of the company have maintained long-lasting relationships with the farmers and have believed that it paid the premier prices in the industry for top quality beans. With time passing by, Starbucks grew into one of the world’s largest and the most recognizable brands. Starbucks initiated with retail stores where customers could enjoy a relaxing atmosphere and buy the high-quality whole bean coffees which are roasted, modified beverages, food offerings, and other coffee-related products. In addition, Starbucks introduces a diverse selection of music, film, literature and art to its customers. They have always been looking for innovative and exciting ways to expand the coffee-house experience. The fact that Starbucks workme n avail more benefits, stock options as well as promotional opportunities, not only amuses them, but it results in a positive energy which can be experienced by most of the customers who visit their stores. Even though, Starbucks’ performance is terrific, there is always an opportunity to better it. In the company’s race to make more money, it is sacrificing its relationship with the customers, thereby, eroding its brand value. It’s the relationship with the customers and not the innovation in its products, which will form or sever the company.... 2. Need for this research There is no restaurant chain in this world which would be able to take lightly the decline in its customer traffic. However, for Starbucks, it is an indication for all chains to re-examine their positions in the market and take efficient steps towards securing their existent customer base and attract new customers. The Starbucks Company lost its customers for the first time ever in its fourth quarter, with traffic dropping down by 1 per cent through successive years, although, the store sales rose up to 4 per cent simultaneously (Cebrzynsky, 2007). There could be many reasons to this decline. Starbucks grew so rapidly that it ignored the fact that it initiated as a neighborhood coffee-house, and thus, the consumers do not possess the same emotional feeling for Starbucks which they once had. In order to find a solution for that, the company has planned to improve its services in which the field managers shall spend more time in the stores in order to ensure the quality of service, and the new stores receive additional training. The economic context in which Starbucks was forced to act was the promises to improvise services, reduce growth and expand the marketing efforts, being the typical respondents to decline in the customer traffic. The customers of Starbucks gradually realized the impact of this economic slowdown and, as a result, the Starbuck's customer depreciation has a great significance for

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